Summer 2011-Fall 2011: Mawaru Penguindrum – penultimate

It has come to this point. We are now one stop away from alighting the craziest train ride this year, if not of all time. Let us take a look from the station we departed last and see, how far we traveled, with our heads on our hands and our brains bullied, all the while watching it all unfold.

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Mawaru Penguindrum: Absurdly random…or maybe not as much

Since its very first episode, Mawaru Penguindrum may have already established a sort of form for itself: sheer unpredictability. Others may disagree though, and say the show is not unpredictable as it is just a montage of crazy random sequences. Well, it wouldn’t matter how you look at it; you will almost always wind up clueless after an episode. With sixteen episodes in, the mystery still remains as a mystery, despite the latest revelations and such. I feel that the series is just begging us to speculate, only to have our guesses flipped around stomped on. So why am I pointing out something that is already so apparent from this show?

Two words: Uncrushable Man

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